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Amiga Bargain Basement

> Amiga > Bargain Basement

DesignWorks DesignWorks
The most inexpensive page-design solution on the Amiga, DesignWorks is easy to learn and produces excellent results.
WAS £14.95 NOW £5
ProFlight ProFlight
If you've ever wanted to fly a Tornado, then this is the nearest you can get to it without actually climbing into the cockpit!
WAS £14.95 NOW £5
K-Bundle K-Bundle
Two classic Amiga applications, a spreadsheet and a database, that come complete with a fully illustrated, printed manual.
WAS £39.95 NOW £5
Making the Most of MIDI MIDI book
Written by Paul Overaa, this superb Making the Most of MIDI book will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about the subject.
WAS £14.99 NOW £5
MIDI book

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This page was last updated on Wednesday, November 4, 1998.